The Akita originates from the mountainous regions of northern Japan, The Akita dates back centuries and its origin is an island called Honshu in the Akita region of Japan. Akitas can pull sleds and hunt in deep snow. Akitas symbolize health and small figurines of the dog are sent to people in the hospital in Japan. Helen Keller owned the first U.S. Akita.
Related pages:
Akita Rescue
Azerbaijan Animal Rescue
Azerbaijan is Iocated in West and Central Asia and spans across approximateIy 33,000 square miIes. Threatened species known from Azerbaijan include the Armenian Birch Mouse, Argali, Bechstein's Bat, Caspian Seal, and East Caucasian Tur. The capital of Azerbaijan is Baku. The population of Azerbaijan is about 7.9 million.